Question: 1 / 85

What happens to the rafter layout at the ridge when lapped ceiling joists are attached to central bearing walls?

The rafters butt into the ridge directly opposing each other.

The rafters are butted to one another at the ridge.

When lapped ceiling joists are attached to central bearing walls, the rafters will butt to one another at the ridge. This is because the lapped joists create a continuous path from the top of one wall to the top of the opposite wall, allowing the rafters to run uninterrupted along the entire length. Option A is incorrect because the rafters do not butt directly into the ridge, they butt to each other. Option C is incorrect because the rafters are not offset from the ceiling rafters below them. Option D is incorrect because the rafters are not necessarily laid out the same as the ceiling joists below them, as they may be longer or shorter depending on the design of the roof.

The rafters are offset directly opposite the ceiling rafters below them.

The rafters are laid out the same as the ceiling joists below them.


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